libamxa  0.11.0
Access control verification
Access Control Lists

Disclaimer: this documentation is not final and is subject to change during development.



Access control is important when dealing with untrusted parties. Access rights must be verified at the border of the host resident firmware. Internal components (within the firmware) are assumed to be trusted and can communicate freely using the available bus. This means that ACL verification is needed when

  • a service on the host requests something from a service in a container
  • a service in a container requests something from a service on the host
  • an external controller requests something from a service on the host
  • an external controller requests something from a service in a container

Note that this last type of request will pass through the host system before being forwarded to the container.

How does ACL verification work in Ambiorix systems

Access control verification within Ambiorix is based on the USP Role Based Access Control (RBAC) system. A process at the gateway border (typically a USP agent) will verify the role of the entity that wishes to interact with the gateway data model (typically a USP controller). Based on its role, the requestor is allowed to access or prevented from accessing certain data model elements.

Note: To simplify the syntax in the remainder of this document, we will speak of a USP agent as the process that verifies ACLs and a USP controller as the requesting process. However, when the gateway is accessed through the web-ui for example, ACLs must also be verified using the same mechanisms as for a USP agent.

To validate the ACLs, a USP agent will need the following things:

  • Access control lists (ACLs).
  • This library as it contains the needed APIs for validating ACLs.
  • The acl-manager, which is responsible for merging ACL files into a single source of truth (more on this later).

Access control lists (ACLs)

ACL verification within Ambiorix is implemented based on the USP RBAC system, which can be summarized by the Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}. data model. Any USP controller will have one or multiple roles, which are listed in this data model. Each Role.{i}. object has a set of Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. elements specifying the permissions that correspond to the Role.

A permission object has the following parameters to set/restrict access rights:

  • Param: permission information related to parameters.
  • Obj: permission information related to objects.
  • InstantiatedObj: permission information related to instances.
  • CommandEvent: permission information related to commands and events.

Each of these parameters is a string of 4 characters "rwxn", where each character represents a permission ("r" for Read, "w" for Write, "x" for Execute and "n" for Notify). The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by using a "-" character (e.g. "r--n" would imply read permission and permission to receive notifications for the targeted data model).

For detailed information explaining what each character gives access to, refer to the TR-181 data model

Besides the permission parameters, the Permission object also has a Targets parameter to indicate which data model path the permissions apply to and an Order parameter, to handle overlapping Targets. A higher Order means the permissions of overlapping Targets will be overridden. This is mainly important when using search paths in the Targets.

The Ambiorix ACL system reuses the parameters of this Permission object for specifying the various permissions, however, instead of dumping all that information in the data model, ACL files in JSON format are used.

Take a look at the section about Roles (Access Control) in the USP specification for more information about RBAC.

ACL examples

An ACL file will have the following format:

"Path.To.Data.Model.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"

It is important to note that by default no permissions are granted. Each permission explicitly needs to be set with one of the rwxn strings. Note that the following 2 ACL files give the exact same permissions:

"Path.To.Data.Model.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "----",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"
"Path.To.Data.Model.": {
"Order": 1,
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"

In the first file, all parameter access is disabled by using dashes - for each character in the Param string. In the second file, the entire Param section is missing, which also implies no parameter access is granted for the user.

Also note that when permissions are granted for a root object, users with the role to which the permissions apply will have access to everything under the root object. For example:

"Device.IP.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"

will give access to everything under the Device.IP. object (as specified in TR-181). There is no need to add separate rules for granting access to sub-objects. It is of course possible to further restrict access to certain sub-objects by adding an extra rule:

"Device.IP.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"
"Device.IP.Interface.": {
"Order": 2,
"Param": "r---",
"Obj": "r---",
"InstantiatedObj": "r---",
"CommandEvent": "r---"

Note that the second rule has a higher order, so it will take precedence over the first rule. If the orders were swapped, the second rule would have no effect (think about this).

ACL rules can also be written with USP search paths:

"Device.IP.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"
"Device.IP.Interface.[Alias == 'data'].": {
"Order": 2,
"Param": "r---",
"Obj": "r---",
"InstantiatedObj": "r---",
"CommandEvent": "r---"

Finally note that the above 2 rules could be written in a single ACL file or in 2 separate ACL files. The acl-manager will make sure they are merged together.

Storage location of ACL files for different roles

Now that you understand what ACL files look like, it is important to know how they can be applied to the different roles. By default 4 roles will be defined:

  • An "admin" role: it must be possible to do everything the UI is capable of
  • A "guest" role: has no access by default, but can be used for demo purposes
  • An "operator" role: this role must be able to do everything
  • An "untrusted" role: it must be able to log in (and display some very generic information)"

All ACL files for a role need to be installed in the /etc/acl/<role>/ directory. The acl-manager will make sure the files are merged together to a single file per role for easy verification of access rights. More on this in the next section.

The acl-manager

As explained above, ACL files can contain rules with overlapping targets, different orders, search paths and can be written in one or multiple files. That's why there is a need for an acl-manager. The acl-manager is responsible for reading all ACL files that belong to a certain role and merging them together to a single "master" ACL file. This "master" ACL file will serve as the single source of truth for handling ACL verification and must be used by the USP agent (or other processes at the gateway borders).

Collecting access rules and merging them together

Access rules can generally be defined in 2 ways:

  • By adding them to ACL files
  • By adding instances to the Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. data model

On startup the acl-manager will copy all files from /etc/acl/ to /cfg/etc/acl/, which is guaranteed to be a writable directory on the devices we use. It will merge files together to a single file in /cfg/etc/acl/merged/<role>.json, which can be used to verify access rights for the role.

At any time, these rules can be updated by adding extra ACL files to /cfg/etc/acl/ or new instances in the ControllerTrust data model (which will in turn add ACL files to /cfg/etc/acl/).

At compile time/install time all known ACL files are installed to the /etc/acl/<role>/ directory, which is a reboot persistent directory. Depending on the embedded target and chosen filesystem, the directory will be read-only. Because the /cfg/ directory is writable on all devices we use, all ACL files are copied here on startup of the acl-manager. If anything is added dynamically at runtime, it should also be added to /cfg/etc/acl/<role>/.

/etc/acl/ and /cfg/etc/acl/ are the default directories used for ACL files. It is recommended to make these paths configurable, similar to how it was done for the acl-manager.

Whenever something changes, the correct access rights need to be recalculated because these changes could override any of the existing rules. Therefore, the acl-manager will monitor the acl directories and recalculate the master acl file for a role every time a file is changed, added or removed. Instead of collecting and merging the access rules every time a request arrives, it is only done once at boot time and repeated if something changes. This simplifies ACL verification to a quick look-up in a file (after search paths have been resolved).

Resolving search paths

ACL rules can contain search paths which need to be resolved before it is known which instances they apply to. A set of permissions could for example be specified for the path Device.WiFi.Radio.[Enable == False]. if a controller is only allowed to read and configure things for disabled radios. The Enable parameter of each radio could change at any time, which makes it impossible to resolve this search path in advance. It can only be resolved once a request for Device.WiFi.Radio. arrives.

So the master ACL file for each role can contain search paths that need to be resolved before you can figure out if the requestor has the right permissions. To minimize the overhead introduced by search paths, they will only be resolved for paths starting from a root path. In other words, if a request arrives for Device.WiFi. or one of its child objects, then search paths will only be resolved if they start with Device.WiFi..

Some extra information about the acl-manager can be found in its file.

The libamxa APIs

libamxa has been written to make it easy for several border control processes to validate ACLs using the same ACL files and APIs. Verifying the access rights requires several steps. In this section the different steps will be explained and the required APIs that are needed will be discussed.

  • Reading the acls can be done with amxa_parse_files. This function will return a variant of type hash table with the information of the master ACL file.
  • The ACLs can contain search paths and these need to be resolved whenever a data model operation is done. We are dealing with dynamic data models, so these search paths can resolve to different objects at different moments in time. Resolving search paths can be done with the function amxa_resolve_search_paths.
  • The next step is figuring out which data models the current role has access to. This depends on the operation that needs to be executed (get/set/...). libamxa provides a function amxa_get_filters to get a list of objects that need to be filtered from a request or response. It takes a bitmask as input argument which is different for the available operations. For a get operation it would be AMXA_PERMIT_GET. A full list of bitmasks will be provided in a table below.
  • In case of a get operation, you also need to check if you are allowed to use search paths, which can be done with amxa_is_search_path_allowed. For some reason, you don't need to check this for the other operations (refer to TR-181 for more information).
  • Based on the retrieved filters you need to check whether the operation is allowed. For a get this can be done with amxa_is_get_allowed.
  • If the operation is allowed, you can invoke it with the right amxb call, for example is amxb_get.
  • In case of a get, get_supported or get_instances operation, you also need to filter the output, because it is possible that you had access to certain parameters, but not to others. The ones you don't have access to need to be filtered out with amxa_filter_get_resp. This is the last step of the ACL verification process, so the remaining output (or error) can be forwarded to the requestor.

Note that we are working on streamlining this process. For a get, set and get_instances operation, there already exist API functions to do all of the above steps for you.

The other operators will hopefully have similar functions in the near future.

The use of the aforementioned bitmask is inspired by the code in obuspa. The following bitmasks are defined.

// Bits in bitmask defining permissions. If the bit is set, then the permission is granted
#define AMXA_PERMIT_GET 0x0001 // Grants the capability to read the value of the Parameter via Get and read the meta-information of the Parameter via GetSupportedDM.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_SET 0x0002 // Grants the capability to update the value of the Parameter via Add or Set.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_ADD 0x0004 // Grants no capabilities for Static Objects. Grants the capability to create a new instance of a Multi-Instanced Object via Add
#define AMXA_PERMIT_DEL 0x0008 // Grants the capability to remove an existing instance of an Instantiated Object via Delete (e.g. Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1.).
#define AMXA_PERMIT_OPER 0x0010 // Grants the capability to execute the Command via Operate, but grants no capabilities to an Event.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_SUBS_VAL_CHANGE 0x0020 // Grants the capability to use this Parameter in the ReferenceList of an Event or ValueChange Subscription.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_SUBS_OBJ_ADD 0x0040 // Grants the capability to use this Object in the ReferenceList of an Event or ObjectCreation (for multi-instance objects only) Subscription.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_SUBS_OBJ_DEL 0x0100 // Grants the capability to use this Instantiated Object in the ReferenceList of an Event or ObjectDeletion Subscription
#define AMXA_PERMIT_SUBS_EVT_OPER_COMP 0x0200 // Grants the capability to use this Event or Command in the ReferenceList of an Event or OperationComplete Subscription.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_GET_INST 0x0080 // Grants the capability to read the instance numbers and unique keys of the Instantiated Object via GetInstances. Also allows the use of search paths in get operations.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_OBJ_INFO 0x0400 // Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Object via GetSupportedDM.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_CMD_INFO 0x0800 // Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Command (including input and output arguments) and Event (including arguments) via GetSupportedDM.
#define AMXA_PERMIT_NONE 0x0000 // Grants no capabilities
#define AMXA_PERMIT_ALL 0xFFFF // Grants all capabilities

The following table shows which bits are enabled by the Param, Obj, InstantiatedObj and CommandEvent entries in the Permission.{i}. data model:

Data model param rwxn Bit
InstantiatedObj r AMXA_PERMIT_GET_INST

Note that some characters in the rwxn string don't have any use. This is because it doesn't make sense to execute a parameter for example.

Additional information

ACL rules for Get Supported Data Model messages (GSDM)

TODO: Update GSDM validation now that it is possible to invoke a GSDM request on an instance path. Before anything can be updated, BBF first needs to decide how this should work. The discussion can be followed in USP-778.

The r flag used in Param, Obj and CommandEvent permissions indicates whether meta-data can be read from parameters, objects, commands and events using GSDM messages. Note that the target paths for these rules work a bit different than for the other operations. It does not make sense to restrict GSDM access when the target path is an instance or wildcard, because it is not possible to execute a GSDM operation on these types of paths (in version 1.1 of the USP specification).

Consider the following example:

"DHCPv4.Client.1.": {
"Order": 1,
"Param": "-wxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"
"DHCPv4.Server.Pool.*.": {
"Order": 2,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "-wxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "rwxn"
"DHCPv4.Relay.Forwarding.[Enable == True].": {
"Order": 3,
"Param": "rwxn",
"Obj": "rwxn",
"InstantiatedObj": "rwxn",
"CommandEvent": "-wxn"

! WARNING ! Some people within BBF believe that wildcarded paths do make sense for supported paths. It is possible that paths containing an asterisk should be replaced by supported paths with {i} before evaluating the ACLs. This is currently undocumented anywhere in TR-369 and TR-181, so it is left up to the implementation.

The first rule makes sense for Get messages to prevent a controller from reading parameter values, but it does not make sense for GSDM messages, because it is not possible to invoke a GSDM operation using DHCPv4.Client.1. as an input path.

! WARNING ! In USP version 1.2 it will be allowed to execute a get supported dm operation on an instance path. This is useful when different instances have diverging paths (e.g. different parameters). Perhaps it will then make sense to take search paths, wildcards and instance numbers into account. See USP-542 for details.

If there is a need to restrict access to meta-data for Client objects, an additional rule must be added with a target path of DHCPv4.Client. and with an order that is lower than the first rule. If the order for the rule with DHCPv4.Client. is higher than the order for DHCPv4.Client.1., then only the first rule will be used, because it applies recursively to all sub-objects and it has precedence due to its higher order.

Both the second and third rule don't make any sense. They only restrict access to meta-data for objects, commands or events using a GSDM message, but it is not possible to use wildcards or search paths in GSDM messages. Consequently, neither of these rules will do anything and there is also no need to resolve search paths or wildcards present in the ACL rules before fitering GSDM responses. If access to meta-information must be restricted for the Pool or Forwarding object, the rules should be applied to the parent path path i.e. DHCPv4.Server.Pool. or DHCPv4.Relay.Forwarding..

Interesting note from USP-542:

If the Agent encounters a diverging Supported Data Model, e.g. due to the use of different Mounted Objects underneath a Mountpoint, the Agent will skip the traversal of the children Objects without adding any information to the Response and continue processing with the next unambiguous Object. The Supported Data Model of such divergent Objects can only be obtained by specifically using Instantiated Object Paths in the obj_paths field.

Who can create ACL files?

It is possible to add ACL files in the component repository. This gives the implementor of the component the ability to define which roles are allowed to access its data model. During installation, they can then be installed in a designated directory which should be /etc/acl by default. The permissions of this directory should be limited at runtime. Only the acl-manager is supposed to have read access to this directory such that is can copy the files to /cfg/etc/acl which can be updated at runtime. This directory should also have restricted access rights.

It is also possible to define all or a subset of ACL files at config level. It does not matter how many files there are as long as they are written in the correct format.

At run time it is also possible to override or extend ACL rules by using the LocalAgent.ControllerTrust. data model directly. Permissions that are added to this data model will result in extra ACL files in /cfg/etc/acl/<role>, which will be picked up by the acl-manager.

Installation of ACL files by USP Services

Some parts of the data model will be provided by USP Services in the cloud or in a container. These USP Services need to be able to publish their ACLs to restrict access rights to the data models they provide. This could be accomplished in either of two ways:

  • the LCM agent pushes the USP Service's ACL files to the designated directory; or
  • the LCM agent updates the Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. data model with permissions for the USP Service's data model.