C Generic Data Containers
Array Queue | A queue implementation based on Array |
▼Array | The Ambiorix Dynamic Bucket Array |
Array iterators | |
Array stack | A stack implementation based on Array |
Common | |
Hash functions | |
▼Hash Table | |
Hash Table Iterator | |
▼Linked List | The Ambiorix Linked List is a doubly linked list |
Linked List Iterator | |
Linked Queue | |
Linked stack | |
Ring Buffer | |
Set | The Ambiorix set is an abstract data type that can store unique values |
▼String | |
Join composite types into a single string | |
Split a string into a composite type | |
string utility functions | |
Timestamp | |
▼variant | |
variant type ids | |
variant flags | |
variant utils | |
variant type helper functions | Variant type specific helper functions |
Variant types |