libamxrt  0.4.2
Ambiorix Run Time Library
Ambiorix Run Time Library



Using this library it will be easy to create an ambiorix application with an eventloop.

This library provides the full implementation of the Ambiorix Run Time and is used by the amxrt application.

This library provides:

  • command line parsing, supports the default ambiorix runtime command line options
  • auto detection of bus backends and well known sockets
  • loading of odl files to create a (tr181) data model
  • registering of the data model objects to the used bus system
  • waiting for data model objects
  • setting up an event-loop (and monitors all needed file descriptors)

All the necessary details are available in the Doxygen-based documentation for the latest release, which is a static website served via GitLab Pages using automated CI job.

Building, installing and testing

Docker container

You could install all tools needed for testing and developing on your local machine, but it is easier to just use a pre-configured environment. Such an environment is already prepared for you as a docker container.

  1. Install docker

    Docker must be installed on your system.

    If you have no clue how to do this here are some links that could help you:

    Make sure you user id is added to the docker group:

    ``` sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ```

  1. Fetch the container image

    To get access to the pre-configured environment, all you need to do is pull the image and launch a container.

    Pull the image:

    ```bash docker pull ```

    Before launching the container, you should create a directory which will be shared between your local machine and the container.

    ```bash mkdir -p ~/amx_project/libraries/ ```

    Launch the container:

    ```bash docker run -ti -d –name oss-dbg –restart always –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE –sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -e "USER=$USER" -e "UID=$(id -u)" -e "GID=$(id -g)" -v ~/amx_project/:/home/$USER/amx_project/ ```

    If you are using vpn, you need to add --dns --dns to the docker run command.

    The -v option bind mounts the local directory for the ambiorix project in the container, at the exact same place. The -e options create environment variables in the container. These variables are used to create a user name with exactly the same user id and group id in the container as on your local host (user mapping).

    You can open as many terminals/consoles as you like:

    ```bash docker exec -ti –user $USER oss-dbg /bin/bash ```



  • libamxc - Generic C api for common data containers
  • libamxj - JSON parser & generator using yajl and libamxc variants
  • libamxp - Common patterns implementation
  • libamxd - Data model C-API
  • libamxo - Ambiorix Object Definition Language library
  • libamxb - Bus agnostic C API (mediator)
  • libevent - an event notification library
  • libcap-ng - a library for controlling process capabilities

Dependency graph - libraries needed by libamxrt. For graph simplicity direct dependencies which are also an indirect dependency are not shown.


graph TD; libamxrt-->libamxo libamxrt-->libamxj libamxrt-->libevent libamxrt-->libcap-ng

libamxp-->libamxc libamxd-->libamxp libamxo-->libamxs libamxs-->libamxb libamxb-->libamxd libamxj-->libamxc

Build libamxrt

  1. Clone the git repository

    To be able to build it, you need the source code. So open the directory just created for the ambiorix project and clone this library in it (on your local machine).

    ```bash cd ~/amx_project/libraries/ git clone ```

  1. Install dependencies

    Although the container will contain all tools needed for building, it does not contain the libraries needed for building libamxrt. To be able to build libamxrt you need libamxc. This library can be installed in the container.

    ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install libamxc libamxj libamxp libamxd libamxb libamxs libamxo libevent libcap-ng-dev ```

    Note that some of the components are allready preinstalled in the container.

  1. Build it

    When using the internal gitlab, you must define an environment variable VERSION_PREFIX before building.

    ```bash export VERSION_PREFIX="master_" ```

    After the variable is set, you can build the package.

    ```bash cd ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt make ```


Using make target install

You can install your own compiled version easily in the container by running the install target.

cd ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt
sudo -E make install

Using package

From within the container you can create packages.

cd ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt
make package

The packages generated are:


You can copy these packages and extract/install them.

For ubuntu or debian distributions use dpkg:

sudo dpkg -i ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt/libamxrt-<VERSION>.deb



No extra components are needed for testing libamxrt.

Run tests

You can run the tests by executing the following command.

cd ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt/tests

Or this command if you also want the coverage tests to run:

cd ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt/tests
make run coverage

Coverage reports

The coverage target will generate coverage reports using gcov and gcovr.

A summary for each file (*.c files) is printed in your console after the tests are run. A HTML version of the coverage reports is also generated. These reports are available in the output directory of the compiler used. Example: using native gcc When the output of gcc -dumpmachine is x86_64-linux-gnu, the HTML coverage reports can be found at ~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt/output/x86_64-linux-gnu/coverage/report.

You can easily access the reports in your browser. In the container start a python3 http server in background.

cd ~/amx_project/
python3 -m http.server 8080 &

Use the following url to access the reports http://<IP ADDRESS OF YOUR CONTAINER>:8080/libraries/libamxrt/output/<MACHINE>/coverage/report You can find the ip address of your container by using the ip command in the container.


USER@<CID>:~/amx_project/libraries/libamxrt$ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
173: eth0@if174: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
inet scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2001:db8:1::242:ac11:7/64 scope global nodad
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::42:acff:fe11:7/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

in this case the ip address of the container is So the uri you should use is:

Configuration Options

The amxrt library already provides defaults for most configuration options. All these run-time configuration options can be changed using the config section in the ODL files and most of them can be set using the commandline arguments.


The defaults configuration options provided by libamxrt can be dumped to stdout using amxrt -d, all options are printed in alhabetical order:

$ amxrt -d
auto-connect = true,
auto-detect = true,
auto-resolver-order = [
backend-dir = "/usr/bin/mods/amxb",
backends = [
cfg-dir = "/etc/amx",
daemon = false,
data-uris = [
dm-eventing-enabled = true,
dummy = {
register-name = "amxrt"
dump-caps = false,
dump-config = true,
extensions-dir = "extensions",
import-dbg = false,
import-dirs = [
include-dirs = [
jsonrpc = {
register-name = "amxrt"
listen = [
log = false,
mib-dirs = [
name = "amxrt",
pcb = {
acl-dir = "/cfg/etc/acl/",
register-name = "amxrt"
pid-file = true,
plugin-dir = "/usr/lib/amx",
prefix = "",
priority = 0,
requires = [
rw_data_path = "${prefix}/etc/config",
storage-path = "${rw_data_path}/${name}/",
storage-type = "odl",
ubus = {
register-name = "amxrt"
uris = [

Default Command Line Argument Options

  • auto-connect: (boolean) when set to true (default), the application will automatically connect to all uris specified in config option uris. If one of the connections fail, an error is printed to stderr. At least one connection must be available.
  • auto-detect: (boolean) when set to true (default), the back-end directory is scanned and all found back-ends are loaded. A search is done for all known bus unix domain sockets, all found are added to the uris list and will be connected to when auto-connect is set to true.
  • auto-resolver-order: (array) Used by the ODL parser function resolver. Defines in which order the function resolvers must be called to resolve a function name into a function pointer. More information about the ODL parser function resolving can be found in the ODL documentation.
  • backend-dir: (string or list) Directory or directires that must be scanned for valid back-end implementations. When auto-detect is set to true, this directory or directores will be scanned and all valid back-end implementations found are added to the option backend.
  • backends: (array) Array of back-ends that need to be loaded. When auto-detect option and backend-dir option are set this list is filled automatically.
  • cfg-dir: (string) The base directory where ODL files are stored. Typically a subdirectoy is added with the same name of the application.
  • daemon: (boolean) When set to true, the application daemonizes after all ODL files are loaded (except post includes) and before the entry-points are invoked.
  • data-uris: (array) Array of data uris that are used to connect on, but which are not used to register the data model on. These connections are only used to retrieve data from other data models..
  • dm-eventing-enabled: (boolean) When set to true (default is false), data model eventing is enabled during the load of the ODL files provided at command line.
  • dm-events-before-start: (boolean) When set the data model events are handled before app:start event is triggered. Default is false.
  • dm-events-suspend-when-requires: (boolean) When set the data model events will be suspended until all required objects are available, when not set the data model events can occur before the entry-points are called, if required objects are not yet available. Default is false.
  • dump-caps: (boolean) When set to true (default is false), the remaining linux capabilities of the process are dumped to stdout.
  • dump-config: (boolean) This configuration option is mostly automatically set or using the command line option -d. When an error occurs during start-up this option is set and the current configuration is dumped to stdout. extensions-dir: (string) Directory where data model extensions can be stored in odl format. These extension odls will be loaded in alphabetical order after all other (definition) odl are loaded but before the entry-points are called or post-includes are loaded.
  • import-dbg: (boolean) Used by the ODL import resolver. When set to true (default is false), the import ODL resolver will print more information to stdout when resolving functions and loading shared objects.
  • import-dirs: (array) Used by the ODL import resolver. It contains a list of directories where the import resolver should search for shared objects (plug-ins). Plug-ins (aka addons) are no ordinary libraries, and are loaded at run-time by the ODL import resolver, when the keyword import is encountered in the ODL file. Extra directories can be added using commandline option -L.
  • include-dirs: (array) List of include directories. These directories are used by the ODL parser. When an include keyword is encountered in the ODL files and it does not contain an absolute path, the include file is searched in these include directories, in the order specified. Extra include directories can be added to the list with the commandline option -I
  • listen: (array) List of listen sockets that must be created.
  • log: (boolean) When set to true, amxrt will open the system log (syslog) and can write messages to it.
  • mib-dirs: (array) List of directories. Each of these directories will be scanned for ODL files. The ODL files in that directory should only define a MIB.
  • name: (string) The name of the application. When using a symbolic link to amxrt the name of the symbolic link is used as the name option.
  • pid-file: (boolean) When set to true (default), a pid-file is created, with the name of the application (using the name configuration option).
  • plugin-dir: (string) Base directory for plug-ins (aka addons). Typically a subdirectory is created with the name of the application.
  • prefix: (string) By default this is empty. When set (using commandline option -o) all paths are prefixed with this string. This option is mainly used for debugging reasons.
  • priority: (integer) Sets the nice level of the application (default = 0)
  • rw_data_path: (string) Base path were persistent storage files are saved. Typically a sub-directory is created in this directory with the name of the application.
  • storage-path: (string) The (base) directory where the application will store the persistent storage files.
  • storage-type: (string) The persistent storage type. This configuration option defines in which format the saved files should be written (default is "odl" format). The Ambiorix run-time can only handle the odl format to store persistent data. If another format is needed, a module (plug-in) is needed that can support the needed format.
  • uris: (array) List of uris that are used to create the connections. These connections are used to register the data model on. Typically these are bus uri's. Other processes can access the data model of this process using the same uri's.
  • requires: (array) Array of required data model objects. Using the command line option -R or --requires extra objects can be added to the list. When the list is not empty, the Ambiorix run-time will wait until all objects in the list are available before calling the entry points and triggering the event app:start.

Forcing Options From Commandline

When in odl files configuration options are specified (in config section) the values specified in the odl file are taken. Using the -F or --forced-option, you can force a specific value for a configuration option from command line. The forced options can not be overwritten by odl files.

In odl files the config sections are scoped and are only valid in the odl file where they are defined, and in all odl files that are included in that file after the config section. If the file where the config section is defined is included by another odl file (the parent odl file), the parent will not see these values for the config options, unless the config options was declared with global

Required Objects

Using the command line option -R or --requires object paths can be added to the list of required objects. These objects are mostly provided by other processes and it is possible that these objects are not yet available. Ambiorix run-time will wait until all objects in the required list are available before calling any entry-point and triggering the event app:start. The data model of your application will not be registered to the bus systems until all required objects are available.

When the command line option -D or configuration option daemon is set, the run-time will daemonize itself even if not all required objects are available.

When all required objects are available, the requires array is reset to an empty array.

ODL Persistent Storage

The Ambiorix run-time can store persistent data in ODL format save files.

By default no persistent data is saved. To enable this on configuration a table must be added to the configuration section of your main ODL file.

The ODL storage format is only active when the storage-type configuration option is set to odl.

ODL Load And Save Options

All ODL persistent storage options must be set in the odl and can be divided in 3 logical parts:

  1. Common Setting
  • (string) The directory where the persistent storage files are saved. This directory is also used to load the stored files (or can be used in an include)
  1. Load Settings

>When using include in the ODL files to load the previously saved files, these settings should not be used. >

>It is not recommended to use <tt>include</tt> and the <tt>load</tt> functionality toghether.

  • (boolean) When set to true, all ODL files in the are loaded.
  • (string) String containing a directory or file. When no saved ODL files are found or exist, the defaults will be loaded defined by this configuration option.
  • odl.load-dm-events: (boolean) When set to true data model eventing will be enabled when loading the saved files (or the defaults).
  1. Save settings
  • (boolean) When set to true, amxrt will save the persistent data at exit.
  • (boolean) When set to true amxrt will save the persistent data when the data has been changed.
  • (integer, default is 3000ms) Time in milliseconds to wait before writing the changes the first time.
  • (integer, default is 500ms) Time in milliseconds to wait before writing the changes. Each time a change occurs before the time expires, the timer is reset. So at least no changes should occur to persistent data before the changes are saved.
  • (csv string) Object paths that must be saved, when this option is set only the data model (sub)trees are saved that are specified. The name of the file will be the object path of the object.


odl = {
dm-save = true,
dm-save-on-changed = true,
dm-save-init-delay = 10000,
dm-save-delay = 1000,
directory = "${storage-path}/odl"
&include test odl
Definition: test.odl:54

Using above example the Ambiorix run-time (amxrt) will save all persistent objects and parameters (they must have the persistent attribute) to a file with the name ${name}.odl in the directory specified with option. The save will be done when the application exits and only when is set to true.

When is set, changes are saved immediatly after the datamodel did not receive changes in time to the file and not only when the applications exits.

When persistent data changes and not other changes occur for at least the persistent data is saved.

User Privileges and Capabilities

libamxrt is capable to drop user privileges and capabilities.

By default all capabilities are dropped unless otherwise configured. The user and group will be retained unless otherwise configured.

NOTE Initially the process amxrt (and libamxrt) didn't drop any capabilites or was not able to drop user privileges. This behavior is not good in respect to security. This behavior is kept until 01/09/2023, from then by default all capabilities will be dropped. This will provide time to update the configuration of services and applications that are using libamxrt (or the amxrt process).

The user and group to which the process must switch after initializing can be configured with:

  • privileges.user

The set of capabilities that must be kept can be specified in a list:

  • privileges.capabilites

The list must contain the names of the capabilities that needs to be kept or the identifier of that capability. The name of the capabilities must match the definitions in linux/capabiliy.h with or without the CAP_ prefix. The string case is ignored (lower and upper case is allowed).

When only user/group switching is needed but all capabilities must be kept set:

  • privileges.keep-all = true


This example config will switch to user webui and group webui and drops all capabilities except CAP_CHOWN (chown)

%config {
privileges = {
user = "webui",
group = "webui",
capabilities = [ "CAP_CHOWN" ]

More information about capabilities can be found at manpage Capabilities

Capabilities can only be dropped and not added.

Using libamxrt

The default behavior is fine for me

By calling the function amxrt an ambiorix runtime is created. It will parse the command line arguments using the default ambiorix command line arguments:

$ amxrt -h
amxrt [OPTIONS] <odl files>
-h --help Print usage help and exit
-H --HELP Print extended help and exit
-B --backend <so file> Loads the shared object as bus backend
-u --uri <uri> Adds an uri to the list of uris
-A --no-auto-detect Do not auto detect unix domain sockets and back-ends
-C --no-connect Do not auto connect the provided or detected uris
-I --include-dir <dir> Adds include directory for odl parser, multiple allowed
-L --import-dir <dir> Adds import directory for odl parser, multiple allowed
-o --option <name=value> Adds a configuration option
-F --forced-option <name=value> Adds a configuration option, which can not be overwritten by odl files
-O --ODL <odl-string> An ODL in string format, only one ODL string allowed
-D --daemon Daemonize the process
-p --priority <nice level> Sets the process nice level
-N --no-pid-file Disables the creation of a pid-file in /var/run
-E --eventing Enables eventing during loading of ODL files
-d --dump-config Dumps configuration options at start-up
-l --log Write to syslog instead of stdout and stderr
-R --requires <root object> Checks if datamodel objects are available or waits until they are available
-V --version Print version

After parsing the command line arguments, it will load the ambiorix backends, looks for well known unix domain sockets (ubus, pcb, ....) and connectes to them.

Loads the odl files, that are provided after the command line options, or loads the odl file that matches the application's name (by default /etc/amx/<appname>/<appname>.odl).

Creates and starts the event-loop.

#include <amxrt/amxrt.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int retval = 0;
retval = amxrt(argc, argv, NULL);
return retval;
int amxrt(int argc, char *argv[], amxrt_arg_fn_t fn)
This function can create full ambiorix application (data model provider or client).
Definition: amxrt.c:334
void amxrt_delete(void)
Clean-up ambiorix runtime.
Definition: amxrt.c:378
void amxrt_new(void)
Create the ambiorix runtime.
Definition: amxrt.c:313
int main(void)
Definition: test_main.c:62

The above code will follow this initialization flow:


flowchart LR subgraph part1[Config Initialization] ci1[read environment vars]-->ci2[set default dirs]-->ci3[parse command line arguments]-->ci4[load odl files] ci4-->ci5{auto detect?} ci5 -- yes --> ci6[scan backend dirs] ci6 --> ci7 ci5 -- no --> ci7[load backends] end subgraph part2[Connection Initialization] ci8{auto detect?} ci8 -- yes --> ci9[fetch known uris] ci8 -- no --> ci10{auto connect?} ci9 --> ci10 ci10 -- yes --> ci11[connect] --> ci12[create listen sockets] ci10 -- no --> ci13[apply process settings] ci12 --> ci13[apply process settings] ci13 --> ci14[create eventloop] end subgraph part3[Register Or Wait] rw1{Has required\nobjects?} rw1 -- yes --> rw2(start eventloop) rw1 -- no --> rw5 rw2 --> rw3(wait for objects
...) rw3 ---> rw4{all required\nobjects available?} rw4 -- no --> rw3 rw4 -- yes --> rw5[register datamodel] end subgraph part4[Start plug-in] sp1[invoke entry points] --> sp2[start synchronization contexts] sp2 --> sp3[send app:start event] sp3 --> sp4(start eventloop\nif not started yet) end part1 --> part2 --> part3 --> part4

Optionally extra command line arguments (options) and an option handler function can be added.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <amxrt/amxrt.h>
static int handle_cmd_line_arg(amxc_var_t* config, int arg_id, const char* value) {
int rv = -1;
const char* name = GET_CHAR(amxrt_get_config(), "name");
switch(arg_id) {
case 'V': {
printf("%s %d.%d.%d\n", name, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_BUILD);
rv = -2;
return rv;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int retval = 0;
amxrt_cmd_line_add_option(0, 'V', "version", no_argument, "Print version", NULL);
retval = amxrt(argc, argv, handle_cmd_line_arg);
return retval;
int amxrt_cmd_line_add_option(int id, char short_option, const char *long_option, int has_args, const char *doc, const char *arg_doc)
Adds a command line option definition.
Definition: amxrt_args.c:206
amxc_var_t * amxrt_get_config(void)
Gets the htable variant containing the configuration options.
Definition: amxrt.c:301

Alternativly you could just use the amxrt app, which implements exactly the above.

I want a bit more control

Still easy to use, but with the possibility to do other actions in between.

#include <amxrt/amxrt.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int retval = 0;
// set default directories configuration options (include-dirs, import-dirs, mib-dirs)
// set name configuration option (name)
// parse command line options (index is set to command line options where parsing has stopped)
// search for backends and known unix domain sockets, if auto-detect is set
// parse odl string provided with command line argument -O
// parse odl files passed with command line after the options
// add the auto save - needs configuration in config section
// load all backends
// connect to all sockets (if any)
// create listen sockets (if any)
// apply process settings (daemonize, set nice level, create pid file, open syslog)
// enable linux signals
// create event loop
retval = amxrt_init(argc, argv, NULL);
when_failed(retval, leave);
// register data model or wait for required objects
// if all required objects are available the data model will be registered
// (after starting the event loop)
// call entry points when data model is registered
// start object & parameter synchronization if any was defined in one of the loaded odl files
// send app:start ambiorix signal when data model is registered
when_failed(retval, leave);
// start the event loop
retval = amxrt_run();
return retval;
int amxrt_init(int argc, char *argv[], amxrt_arg_fn_t fn)
Initializes the ambiorix runtime.
Definition: amxrt.c:348
int amxrt_run(void)
Starts the event loop.
Definition: amxrt.c:425
void amxrt_stop(void)
Stops the runtime.
Definition: amxrt.c:440
int amxrt_register_or_wait(void)
Register the data model or wait for required data model objects.
Definition: amxrt.c:389

I want even more control

The example below will create a data model provider application. This implementation provides the default implementation of the amxrt function.

If you need to create a data model client application (that is an application that doesn't provide a data model), you can remove the following calls:

  • amxrt_load_odl_files
  • amxrt_register_or_wait
#include <amxrt/amxrt.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int retval = 0;
int index = 0;
amxc_var_t* syssigs = NULL;
amxc_var_t* config = NULL;
amxd_dm_t* dm = NULL;
amxo_parser_t* parser = NULL;
dm = amxrt_get_dm();
parser = amxrt_get_parser();
// set default directories configuration options (include-dirs, import-dirs, mib-dirs)
// set name configuration option (name)
// parse command line options (index is set to command line options where parsing has stopped)
// the index will be set to the first non option command line argument
retval = amxrt_config_init(argc, argv, &index, NULL);
when_failed(retval, leave);
// parse odl string provided with command line argument -O
// parse odl files passed with command line after the options
// the index should point to the first odl file in the command line arguments
// or set to argc when no odl files are passed at the command line
retval = amxrt_load_odl_files(argc, argv, index);
when_failed(retval, leave);
// search for backends and known unix domain sockets, if auto-detect is set
// add the auto save - needs configuration in config section
amxo_parser_add_entry_point(parser, amxrt_dm_save_load_main);
// load all backends
// connect to all sockets (if any)
// create listen sockets (if any)
// apply process settings (daemonize, set nice level, create pid file, open syslog)
retval = amxrt_connect();
when_failed(retval, leave);
// enable linux signals
syssigs = GET_ARG(config, "system-signals");
if(syssigs != NULL) {
// create event loop
retval = amxrt_el_create();
when_failed(retval, leave);
// register data model or wait for required objects
// if all required objects are available the data model will be registered
// (after starting the event loop)
// call entry points when data model is registered
// start object & parameter synchronization if any was defined in one of the loaded odl files
// send app:start ambiorix signal when data model is registered
when_failed(retval, leave);
// the app:start signal will be triggered when registration is done
// this can be immediatly or when all required objects are available.
// start the event loop
amxrt_el_start(); // will block until amxrt_el_stop is called
// app:stop ambiorix signal is send when the above function exits
// stop amx runtime and cleanup
return retval;
int amxrt_el_start(void)
Starts the event loop.
int amxrt_el_create(void)
Creates and initializes all needed event loop components.
void amxrt_config_scan_backend_dirs(void)
Scan backend directories for available backends.
Definition: amxrt_config.c:246
int amxrt_connect(void)
Connects to all bus sockets.
Definition: amxrt.c:488
int amxrt_dm_save_load_main(int reason, amxd_dm_t *dm, amxo_parser_t *parser)
The data model auto load and save module.
int amxrt_load_odl_files(int argc, char *argv[], int index)
Load odls files mentioned on the command line or the default odl file.
Definition: amxrt.c:466
amxd_dm_t * amxrt_get_dm(void)
Gets the runtime data model storage.
Definition: amxrt.c:309
amxo_parser_t * amxrt_get_parser(void)
Gets runtime odl parser.
Definition: amxrt.c:305
void amxrt_enable_syssigs(amxc_var_t *syssigs)
Enables system signals that should be monitored by the eventloop.
Definition: amxrt.c:516
int amxrt_config_init(int argc, char *argv[], int *index, amxrt_arg_fn_t fn)
Initializes the default runtime configuration.
Definition: amxrt_config.c:217

I want to do everything myself

In this case this library can not help you. Look at the other ambiorix libraries and use the functions you need.