SAH_Trace  1.1.0

Using mod_sahtrace

In the main odl file include mod_sahtrace.odl, preferable as an optional include.

mod_sahtrace uses the following global options:

  • default_log_level: default trace level used when no level is specified
  • default_trace_zone_level: default trace zone level used when no level is specified


config options

Optionally sahtrace config options can be provided in the config section of the main odl file.

The following config options are supported:

  • sahtrace: a table that can contain

    • type: must be a string and can be set to syslog, stdout, stderr, file, auto
    • level: an integer, set the default trace level
    • file: only when type is set to file, and must contain the file name to which the trace output is written.

    When type is set to auto log messages will be printed to sterr when the application is started in foreground. When the application is daemonized (amxrt otion -D), the messages will be written to the system log.

  • trace-zones: an array of trace zones that must be activated


sahtrace = {
type = "syslog",
level = 500
trace-zones = ["imtp", "usp"];
Definition: mod_sahtrace.odl:5

Alternative config options

The configuration options can be set in an alternative way as well. This is usefull when using the amxrt command line option -o.

  • log-type: must be a string and can be set to syslog, stdout, stderr, file, auto.
  • log-level: an integer, set the default trace level
  • log-file: only when log-type is set to file, and must contain the file name to which the trace output is written.
  • log-zones: an array of trace zones that must be activated


log-type = "syslog";
log-level = 500;
log-zones = ["imtp", "usp"];


When no configuration options are provided the default settings are:

  • log-type = "syslog"
  • log-level = default_log_level
  • log-zones = [];

Trace Zones

Trace zones can be defined as a table with key - value pairs. The key must contain the name of the zone and the value is the trace level for the zone.


sahtrace = {
type = "syslog",
level = 500
trace-zones = {imtp = 500, usp = 200};


Trace zones can be dynamically added and changed during runtime for a specific root object. The zone parameter is obligatory and the level parameter is optional with a default level defined by default_trace_zone_level.


Using ubus-cli or pcb-cli (other flavours are available as well and depends on the bus system you are using).

RootObject.set_trace_zone(zone = "zone1", level = 300)


Lists all trace zones set at that moment. Not only those set by set_trace_zone()


Using ubus-cli or pcb-cli (other flavours are available as well and depends on the bus system you are using).
