66 if(
it->prev == NULL) {
67 if(
it->llist != NULL) {
75 if(
it->llist != NULL) {
105 if((
it != NULL) && (func != NULL)) {
114 if(
it->prev != NULL) {
122 it->llist->tail =
142 it->prev = reference->
146 if(
it->prev != NULL) {
149 it->llist->head =
167 it->prev = reference;
174 it->llist->tail =
185 if((
it == NULL) || (
it->llist == NULL)) {
Ambiorix linked list API header file.
static void amxc_llist_it_update(amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
static bool amxc_llist_it_are_adjacent(amxc_llist_it_t *const it1, amxc_llist_it_t *const it2)
int amxc_llist_it_init(amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
Initializes a linked list iterator.
int amxc_llist_it_insert_after(amxc_llist_it_t *const reference, amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
Inserts an iterator after another reference interator in the list.
int amxc_llist_it_insert_before(amxc_llist_it_t *const reference, amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
Inserts an iterator before a reference interator in the list.
void amxc_llist_it_clean(amxc_llist_it_t *const it, amxc_llist_it_delete_t func)
Removes the iterator from the list and frees allocated memory.
void amxc_llist_it_take(amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
Removes the iterator from the list.
unsigned int amxc_llist_it_index_of(const amxc_llist_it_t *const it)
Gets the index of an iterator in the list.
int amxc_llist_it_swap(amxc_llist_it_t *it1, amxc_llist_it_t *it2)
Swaps two linked list iterators.
void(* amxc_llist_it_delete_t)(amxc_llist_it_t *it)
Definition of the linked list item delete function.
The linked list iterator structure.
struct _amxc_llist_it * next
struct _amxc_llist * llist
struct _amxc_llist_it * prev
The linked list structure.
static amxc_htable_it_t it[2000]
static amxc_llist_it_t it2
static amxc_llist_it_t it1